This unique documentary follows the life of a Slovak hockey legend, Pavol Demitra. It takes us from the very begining of his career in Slovakia through successful years in NHL to Lokomotiv Yaroslavl and his tragic death in a plane crash in 2011. His family, friends and fans around the world remember him not only as a top sportsman but also as a good man with strong character.
– Written by ITA Film

Casts: Zdeno Chara, Pavel Demitra, Maria Demitrova, Mariu00e1n Gu00e1boru00edk, Michal Handzus, Marian Hossa, Jeremy Roenick, Miroslav Satan, Keith Tkachuk, Lubomu00edr Visnovsku00fd
Director: Daniel Dangl
Countrys: Slovakia

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
8.2 108 2014-09-11