A romantic movie revolving around the story of three best friends Quynh, Tuan and Thanh, from they were at school. When Tuan and Quynh found out the importance of each other, Tuan suddenly passed away. Four years later, Quynh became the artist manager of Tuan – who has become a famous actor. When Tuan and Quynh started love each other, it was also Tuan suddenly coming back. How will this love triangle go and whom will Quynh choose?
Casts: Harry Lu, Midu, Anh Tu
Director: Luk Vu00e2n, Luk Van
Countrys: Vietnam
Watch 4 Years, 2 Guys, 1 Love
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.3 | 43 | 2016-11-04 | 96 |