A beautiful island is home to thousands of species of aquatic life. Now there is a new species: the 5-Headed Shark is all heads and teeth. Shaped like a demented starfish, this monster terrorizes the open ocean before invading the beaches of Puerto Rico, endangering the once peaceful island paradise.
Casts: Chris Bruno, Nikki Howard, Lindsay Sawyer, Jeffrey Holsman, Chris Costanzo, Amaanda Mu00e9ndez, Ian Daryk, Jorge Navarro, Lorna Hernandez, Michelle Cortu00e9s, Nicholas Nene
Director: Nick Lyon, Nico De Leon, Jose Montesinos, Chris Bruno
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
3.2 | 506 | 2017-07-10 | 90 |