No emotion. No fear. No pain. They were the perfect soldiers to protect civilization until the drone police became the perfect enemy. With little hope left for mankind, Tallis, an electronically enhanced soldier, rescues a survivor from a failed resistance mission. She will have to learn to fight and think like a machine for the final battle to save the human race.
Casts: Peter Allas, Matthew R. Anderson, Steven Bauer, Keith David, Joe Hess, Maddy Howard, Erken Ialgashev, Lillianna Munro Johnson, Violet Boudicca Johnson, Camille Juliette, T.K. Lawlor
Director: Jesse V. Johnson
Countrys: USA
Watch The Last Sentinel
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.7 | 1,580 | 2007-01-01 | 93 |