The Brussels Business is a docu-thriller that dives into the grey zone underneath European democracy. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to the political elites.
Casts: Catherine Ashton, Leon Brittan, Maria Green Cowles, Etienne Davignon, Olivier Hoedeman, Craig Holman, Siim Kallas, Pascal Kerneis, Keith Richardon, Christoffer Taxell, Erik Wesselius
Director: Matthieu Lietaert, Friedrich Moser
Countrys: Belgium,Austria,USA,France,Switzerland,Indonesia,UK
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.9 | 212 | 2012-03-13 | 85 |