With the odds against him, underdog supreme, ultra-local here Donnie Dumphy enters a mini-bike competition to win back his girl and totally shag-up a bunch of bad guys. On the eve of the biggest dirt bike competition of the year, working class hero and utterly ‘unique human’ Donnie Dumphy cashes his welfare cheque, tours the sketchiest regions of town, loses the love of his life Brenda, has tea with his Nan, eats fish n’ chips, almost drowns, performs his trademark gibberish rap at the biggest party in town and sleeps with his social worker. ‘How To Be Deadly’ is a hero’s journey with a Newfoundland twist, because on the east coast, you’re only as good as your last story.
Casts: Ashley Billard, Dan Bochart, Robbie Carruthers, Sean Dalton, Lisa Doucette, Dominique Girouard, Annie Hennessey, Andy Jones, Cathy Jones, Dennis Kavanah, Susan Kent
Director: Nik Sexton
Countrys: Canada
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.8 | 75 | 88 |