Operation Snatch

Legend has it that if the famous Barbary Apes leave the Rock of Gibraltar, it’s a sign that the British will lose control of it. During World War II, a British officer is put in charge of the apes. When he detects that the animals’ morale is slipping, he hatches a plan to go behind the German lines to “kidnap” a new ape for his charges to lift their spirits before the Germans find out about their condition and use it as propaganda.

Casts: Terry-Thomas, George Sanders, Lionel Jeffries, Jocelyn Lane, Mark Eden, Mario Fabrizi, John Gabriel, Gerard Heinz, Bernard Hunter, Dinsdale Landen, Howard H. Lang
Director: Robert Day
Countrys: UK

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5.5 40 1962-03-01 87