Months after they broke up, Gunnar receives a strange phone call from his ex-boyfriend, Einar. He sounds distraught, like he’s about to do something terrible to himself. Gunnar drives up to the secluded cabin where Einar is holed up and soon discovers that there’s more going on than he imagined. As the two men come to terms with their broken relationship, some other person seems to be lurking outside the cabin, wanting to get in.
Casts: Bju00f6rn Stefu00e1nsson, Siguru00f0ur u00deu00f3r u00d3skarsson, Guu00f0mundur u00d3lafsson, Au00f0albju00f6rg u00c1rnadu00f3ttir, Anna Eva Steindu00f3rsdu00f3ttir, Bu00f6u00f0var u00d3ttar Steindu00f3rsson
Director: Erlingur Thoroddsen
Countrys: Iceland
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.7 | 529 | 2017-10-27 | 111 |