Enticed by a promise of inheritance, a young woman returns to the village of her birth. Unbeknownst to her, the villagers hide a sinister plan — one that may require her very own death.
Casts: Tara Basro, Ario Bayu, Marissa Anita, Christine Hakim, Asmara Abigail, Kiki Narendra, Zidni Hakim, Faradina Mufti, Abdurrahman Arif, Muhammad Abe Baasyin, Mursiyanto
Director: Joko Anwar, Rieviena Yulieta, Raya Gumelar
Countrys: Indonesia,SouthKorea
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.8 | 1,237 | 2019-10-17 | 106 |