Hidden Soldier

Normandy, 1944. Private Wilson is on a mission in enemy territory. Hunted down and out of ammunition, Wilson suffers strange interferences, catapulting him into the violence and madness of war with an unexpected ending.

Casts: Francisco Aguiar, Yuri Aguilar, Hugo Carrascosa, Fadrique Chausa, Vu00edctor Clavijo, Pere Climent, Pasqual Gandu00eda, Asociaciu00f3n Histu00f3rica Grossdeutschland, Manuel Monserrate, Juan Pajares, Manuel Sanchu00eds
Director: Alejandro Suu00e1rez Lozano
Countrys: Spain

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
5.8 26 2010-10-23 12