A couple decides to spend a romantic evening in a floor of a semi-abandoned building that slip because she works as a consultant for the council house and got the keys. During the evening they discover that a hooded murderer is the only tenant left in the building…and they have become the new target.
Casts: Ingrid Garcu00eda Jonsson, Bruno Sevilla, Oriol Tarrida Homedes, Eduardo Lloveras, Miguel u00c1ngel Alarcu00f3n, Luka Peros, Josu00e9 Maru00eda Blanco, Leticia Dolera, Mariona Perrier
Director: Rafa Martu00ednez
Countrys: Spain,Poland
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.2 | 1,802 | 2015-05-08 | 80 |