Desi and Cata find a body in the mansion they just finished cleaning. Horror. Panic. The police arrive. Wait a minute! Did a gypsy woman and a Mexican immigrant just clean up a crime scene? They’re the perfect culprits. Now they have to escape from the police. And also from Russian hitmen, a family of millionaires and an ex-husband with a mariachi band. Let’s see how they get out of this mess.
Casts: Carolina Yuste, Camila Sodi, Silvia Alonso, Leonardo Ortizgris, Adrian Gru00f6sser, Borja Luna, Beka Lemondzhava, Antonu00edn Ludvu00edk Havel, u00c1lex Gadea, Adriana Torrebejano, Gailu0117 Butvilaitu0117, Jaroslaw Bielski, Abraham Arenas, Jorge Suquet, Pastora Vega, Bruno Oro, Abril Borru00e1s, Manuel Rubio
Countrys: Spain
Studios: Zeta Studios, Amazon Studios
Networks: Amazon
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Season 1
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime | Status |
7 | 16 | 2023-03-16 | 45 | Ended |