
Three distinct tales unfold in the bustling city of Tokyo. Merde, a bizarre sewer-dweller, emerges from a manhole and begins terrorizing pedestrians. After his arrest, he stands trial and lashes out at a hostile courtroom. A man who has resigned himself to a life of solitude reconsiders after meeting a charming pizza delivery woman. And finally, a happy young couple find themselves undergoing a series of frightening metamorphoses.

Casts: Ayako Fujitani, Ryu00f4 Kase, Ayumi Ito
Director: Bong Joon-ho, Leos Carax, Michel Gondry, Shinzo Katayama
Countrys: France,Japan,SouthKorea,Germany

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
7 12038 2008-08-16 112

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