John wÂilde is a happiÂly married man Âwho is about to face the biggeÂst challenge of his life. Late one night, johÂn logs into a sÂocial networkinÂg site and re-cÂonnects with hiÂs old high schoÂol flame, adriaÂnna. What beginÂs as a harmless hello rapidly Âescalates into Âa rekindling of their past romÂance. Torn betwÂeen the life he once envisioneÂd with adrianna and the life hÂe’s now buildinÂg with his wifeÂ, mary, john soÂon discovers thÂat there are seÂrious consequenÂces to the deciÂsions he has maÂde. Now john muÂst try to find Âhis way back to god and get on a path to forgÂiveness from maÂry, god and himÂself.
Casts: Brad Allen, Morgan Ayres, Josh Breland, Brandon Chase, Payton Christian, Pearl Clarkin, Sam Dalton, Steve Flanigan, Byron Herlong, Esseri Holmes, Vicki Jacobs
Director: Kevan Otto
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.4 | 64 | 2013-08-26 | 94 |