The film follows Director/Actor Blake Freeman, who takes a morally and financially bankrupt 69 year old man named Leroy, on a Journey in search of the truth. Leroy’s spent his life savings on trying to protect himself from aliens and paranormal ghost, by entrusting the help of psychics. Upon the discovery of Leroy’s plight, Blake decides he must take Leroy on a hilarious journey across the country to “uncover the truth” of of all things paranormal. From Aliens to Voodoo curses, Blake takes on them all, by pulling pranks on the “so called” experts with hopes to ultimately prove to Leroy, he has been taken advantage of.
Casts: Blake Freeman, LeRoy Tessina, Cameron West, Nir Assayag, Mayank Bhatter, Jennifer Bushnell, Jeanette Caldera, Hymnson Chan, Dawn Ferris, Manini Gupta, Lauren Harper
Director: Blake Freeman
Countrys: USA
Watch A Journey to Planet Sanity
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
4.9 | 399 | 2013-12-06 | 90 |