A portrait of youth in bloom; a tale of one family’s dissolution; a reflection upon the danger and the mystery in living. Sandrine Bonnaire plays Suzanne, a free spirit and the vessel for an almost Brontëan choler. She’s 16, and men exist — diverse lovers, an overbearing brother, and the father portrayed by director Maurice Pialat himself in an unforgettable turn that displays the full magnitude of the cinema giant’s tenderness, force-of-will, and presence of being.
Casts: Sandrine Bonnaire, Maurice Pialat, Christophe Odent, Dominique Besnehard, Cyril Collard, Jacques Fieschi, Valu00e9rie Schlumberger, Evelyne Ker, Pierre Novion, Tsilka Theodorou, Cyr Boitard
Director: Maurice Pialat
Countrys: France
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.8 | 4,864 | 1983-11-16 | 102 |