No equal signs of justice can be drawn between those who are accused of a crime, those who are convicted of a crime and those who are the true offenders. That triangle always contains the accused who are not guilty and true offenders whose guilt cannot be ultimately proven. Throughout history, one of the greatest deviations in the strive towards equality has occurred in the triangle of guilt in sexual crimes, where guilt is largely proven on the basis of a woman’s will.
Casts: Balu00e1zs Bodolai, Gabriella Hu00e1mori, Attila Menszu00e1tor-Hu00e9resz
Director: Nu00e1ndor Lu0151rincz, Bu00e1lint Nagy, Nu00e1ndor Lu00f6rincz
Countrys: Hungary
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7 | 475 | 2021-12-16 | 123 |