Straight-arrow Barry has moved 3000 miles away from lackluster Ohio to attend college in sunny SoCal, and his friend Douglas has come along for the ride. Barry has his education on his mind; Douglas, the consummate mover-and-shaker, plans to make Barry a “Bar Star.” Everyone knows the “Bar Star,” the nightclub denizen that: like James Bond, he knows that every woman wants him, and every random guy wants to be just like him.
Casts: Charlie Finn, Derek Waters, Nikki Griffin, Jon Bernthal, Jana Kramer, Jayma Mays, Jelynn Sophia, Affion Crockett, Eric Ladin, Charlie Murphy, Jon Gries
Director: Michael Pietrzak
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.1 | 146 | 2005-10-24 | 105 |