Barry B. Benson, a bee who has just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry’s life is saved by Vanessa, a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue us.
Casts: Jerry Seinfeld, Renu00e9e Zellweger, Matthew Broderick, Patrick Warburton, John Goodman, Chris Rock, Kathy Bates, Barry Levinson, Larry King, Ray Liotta, Sting
Director: Steve Hickner, Simon J. Smith
Countrys: USA,Australia
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.1 | 121,204 | 2007-10-28 | 91 |