Socrates and Capi are two car drivers who are in a rally competition. Unexpectedly, the couple gets lost and ends up in a clearing in the middle of a mountain. Far from being depopulated, that location turns out to be perfect for a Beauty Technification Center, a place where you look to perfect the physique.
Casts: Armando del Ru00edo, Miguel Cazorla, Elvia Herrera, Yanet Garcia, Rau00fal Herrera, Coral Gonzalez, Soledad Lasta, Desiru00e9e Pozos, Gemma Amoru00f3s, Ivan Nieto Pardillo, Fernando Caride
Director: Jordi Arencu00f3n
Countrys: Spain
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.5 | 27 | 2019-07-12 | 98 |