When a doctor decides to carry out an AIDS prevention program inside Latin America’s largest prison: the Casa de Detenção de São Paulo – Carandiru, he meets the future victims of one of the darkest days in Brazilian History when the State of São Paulo’s Military Police, with the excuse for law enforcement, shot to death 111 people. Based on real facts and on the book written by Dráuzio Varella.
Casts: Enrique Diaz, Wagner Moura, Caio Blat
Director: Hu00e9ctor Babenco, Mu00e1rcia Faria, Maria Farkas, Olu00edvia Guimaru00e3es, Tomu00e1s Rezende, Adelina Pontual, Hector Babenco
Countrys: Brazil,Argentina,Italy
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.6 | 22264 | 2003-03-21 | 145 |