Cheonhajangsa madonna

Chubby high school student and Madonna-devotee Oh Dong-ku is a trans woman living with her abusive, alcoholic father. Dong-ku works part-time to save money for the sex reassignment surgery she craves. Despite being told that she has the perfect physique for Korean wrestling, Dong-ku has no interest in taking up sports — but when she finds out about an upcoming tournament with a large cash prize going to the winner, she changes her mind and signs up for the team.

Casts: Yun-shik Baek, Sang-a Lee, Eon Lee, Ki-Joon Hong, Kyeong-ik Kim, Yoon-seok Kim, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Jae-goo Lee, Se-yun Moon, Yun-hong Oh, Yeong-seo Park
Director: Lee Hae-jun, Lee Hae-young, Hae-jun Lee
Countrys: SouthKorea

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
6.3 325 2006-08-31 117