A beautiful pianist comes to Tokyo for a charity concert – and City Hunter is there. But music isn’t his forte. He wants lessons in the language of love. Desperation is the word as bodies start dropping. A foreign dignitary is assassinated in cold blood. Secret agents scour the streets for a missing microchip. And diplomatic infighting swirls around the upcoming concert until Nina the pianist and her grandfather Klaus are kidnapped. A maelstrom of exploding grenades, the rumble of Falcon’s jeep, and the tinkling of the ivories all set the stage for City Hunter: . 357 Magnum. The show must go on!
Casts: Jonas Allen, Yu00f4ko Asagami, Martin Blacker, Jana Brockman, Charles C. Campbell, Katherine Catmull, Chafu00fbrin, Tesshu00f4 Genda, Eric Henshaw, Masaru Ikeda, Michihiro Ikemizu
Director: Kenji Kodama
Countrys: Japan
Watch City Hunter: .357 Magnum
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.2 | 271 | 1989-06-17 | 80 |