Set over the course of a weekend tournament for chess software programmers thirty-some years ago, COMPUTER CHESS transports viewers to a nostalgic moment when the contest between technology and the human spirit seemed a little more up for grabs. We get to know the eccentric geniuses possessed with the vision to teach a metal box to defeat man, literally, at his own game, laying the groundwork for artificial intelligence as we know it and will come to know it in the future.
Casts: Kriss Schludermann, Tom Fletcher, Wiley Wiggins, Patrick Riester, Kevin Bewersdorf, Gene Williams, Jim Lewis, Cole Noppenberg, Myles Paige, Gerald Peary, James Curry
Director: Andrew Bujalski
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.4 | 4,065 | 2013-07-17 | 91 |