Francin, manager of a small-town brewery, has a charming wife whose abundant blonde locks are an adornment to the town. Maryska looks ethereal but loves meat and beer, while Francin is an ascetic. The strict members of the brewery board of directors come to audit the accounts, but are diverted from concentrating on Francin’s detailed reports by Maryska, who has organized a pig-killing feast and is ably assisting the butcher. When she invites the old curmudgeons on the board to enjoy the fresh pork, they are too happy to agree. Francin doesn’t know whether he is going to get a permanent contract. To make things worse his brother Pepin – eccentric, noisy and garrulous – turns up on an indefinite visit.
Casts: Magda Vu00e1su00e1ryovu00e1, Jiru00ed Schmitzer, Jaromu00edr Hanzlu00edk
Director: Jiu0159u00ed Menzel, Jaroslav Hykl, Milan Klacek, Jiru00ed Menzel
Countrys: Czechoslovakia
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.6 | 2782 | 1981-02-06 | 93 |