“Daijobu 3 Kumi” depicts the interactions between new teacher Shinnosuke Akao, who was born without arms and legs, and the 28 students in his 5th grade class, told from the vantage point of school board member Yusaku Shiraishi
Casts: Kimiko Yo, Mone Kamishiraishi, Tomoru00f4 Taguchi, Yu00fbna Taira, Nana Eikura, Tamae Andu00f4, Hiroki Miyake, Honoka Asada, Momoka Itu00f4, Momoko Tanabe, Yumi Endu00f4
Director: Ryuichi Hiroki
Countrys: Japan
Watch Daijôbu 3 kumi
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.3 | 30 | 2013-03-23 | 118 |