11-year old Modulf thinks he is a super hero. Every day he is bullied by the toughest guys at school. And that’s fine. Because if Modulf is the one being bullied, the other children won’t be. Lise, a new girl in class, does not agree with Modulf’s theories. She cares, and creates havoc in the ranks – and suddenly she is the one who must be saved.
Casts: Sondre Blakstad Henriksen, Regine Stokkevu00e5g Eide, Martin Ru00f8sjorde Linstad, Lasse Sortland, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Cecilie A. Mosli, Hallvard Holmen, Ingjerd Egeberg, Gard Fartein Lu00f8kke Goli, Herman Martinsen, Behroz Rezai
Director: Christian Lo
Countrys: Norway
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.6 | 108 | 2013-09-06 | 74 |