Two misfit males, one man-child, one boy, find each other, building a small cabin in the woods to create a new life. Their daily struggle for survival creates a strong bond between them until the hut is destroyed and one of the boys carted off. The former psychiatric patient is told that his friend was just a figment of his imagination, but this provokes him to fight back and prove the boy’s existence.
Casts: Peter Schneider, Timur Massold, Henrike von Kuick, Eleonore Weisgerber, Andreas Leupold, Thomas Dannemann, Robert Schupp, Julia Jentsch, Hannes Wegener, Bernd Kunzmann, Tom Jahn
Director: Hans Weingartner
Countrys: Germany
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.2 | 870 | 2011-10-07 | 117 |