Based on an astonishing true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984, The Deep fashions a modern-day everyman myth about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero.
Casts: u00d3lafur Darri u00d3lafsson, Joi Johannsson, Stefu00e1n Hallur Stefu00e1nsson, u00deru00f6stur Leu00f3 Gunnarsson, Bju00f6rn Thors, Walter Gru00edmsson, Thora Bjorg Helga, Guu00f0ju00f3n Pedersen, Theodu00f3r Ju00falu00edusson, Maru00eda Siguru00f0ardu00f3ttir, Stormur J.K. Baltarsarsson
Director: Baltasar Kormu00e1kur
Countrys: Iceland
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.7 | 4,582 | 2012-09-07 | 95 |