Four childhood friends, all married with no passion left, get together in a high school reunion dinner. Between laughs and drinks, they all agree that they love their wives but no longer desire them. Together they hatch an illogical project: a secret club for men who want to cheat, so that they themselves can regain lust for their wives. Written by MandM
Casts: Tony Almagro, Juanma Cifuentes, Alberto Esparza, Rau00fal Fernu00e1ndez de Pablo, Arnau Gol-Karsunke, Cristina Guillen, Hovik Keuchkerian, Adriu00e1n Lastra, Fele Martu00ednez, Raquel Moreno, Albert Ribalta
Director: Lluu00eds Segura
Countrys: Spain
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.4 | 343 | 2018-03-28 | 90 |