
Set in a dirt-poor neighborhood in the fictional city of San Lovisa, Texas, EvenHand tells the story of two very different cops, working together for the first time. Rob Francis, recently divorced, finds the adjustment from his previous assignment in “Sleepytown” difficult. With his new partner, the volatile Ted Morning, he spends his days breaking up domestic disputes and attempting to make sense of a parade of lowlifes, firebugs and junkies. Morning is the original Texas cowboy, all muscle and bravado: arrest ’em first, ask questions later. The characters and events in EvenHand subtly intertwine until Francis and Morning must both face the consequences of their very different approaches to the job. Filmed on location in San Antonio, Texas, EvenHand is a police story, but it’s not about car chases or shoot-outs. It’s about two cops struggling to survive in a world where, without warning, numbing routine can give way to primal fear.

Casts: Bill Sage, Bill Dawes, Lawrence Stringer, Lee Stringer, Io Tillett Wright, Mirelly Taylor, Irene Pena, Hu00e9ctor Garcu00eda, Kelley West, Eduardo Cavazos Garza, Greg Bransom
Director: Joseph Pierson
Countrys: USA

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
7.3 448 2002-11-14 92