Darcy, editor at her highschool paper, and her long-term boyfriend Stan are in their last months of school and already have found places in good colleges. Recently they started to sleep with each other and, surprise, surprise, Darcy gets pregnant. Neither Darcy’s mother, who was left by her husband and had to bring up Darcy alone, nor Stan’s catholic parents are very supportive and urge them to h
Casts: Molly Ringwald, Randall Batinkoff, Kenneth Mars, Miriam Flynn, Conchata Ferrell, Sharon Brown, John Zarchen, Pauly Shore, Michelle Downey, Patricia Barry, Janet MacLachlan
Director: John G. Avildsen
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
5.9 | 3,433 | 1988-01-15 | 98 |