In the thick heat of central Florida, Rosie, a musician fresh out of high school, can’t shake her boredom. Before long, she meets Jules, a hustler from New York. She falls hard for his streetwise charms and his easy confidence. On the other side of town, Brandon returns home after a decade in prison, but his transition to life on the outside is dogged by the scars of his past. The summer drags on, pushing these three characters together down a dangerous path.
Casts: Ray Benitez, Renata Eastlick, Nisalda Gonzalez, Paulina Gu00e1lvez, Matthew Leone, Leah Maxwell, David Meneses, Michelle Nuu00f1ez, Tyler Riggs, Jarron Webster
Director: Tyler Riggs
Countrys: UnitedStates
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6 | 48 | 2021-06-13 | 95 |