The troubled artist Gritt is struggling for relevance and belonging in an unwelcoming society, but then she undergoes a radicalization process in the name of art.
Casts: Birgitte Larsen, Marte Wexelsen Goksu00f8yr, Lars u00d8yno, Andrine Su00e6ther, Maria Grazia Di Meo, Mattis Hermann Nyquist, Shoukat Chengezi, Shokat Harjo, Linda Margrethe Hverven, Kyrre Hellum, Lars Vaular
Director: Paul Tunge, Itonje Su00f8imer Guttormsen, Lars Thomas Skare
Countrys: Norway
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.1 | 291 | 2021-03-26 | 118 |