In a town in the Northwest of the province of Buenos Aires, a group of neighbors is organized to recover the economy of the area, but when the Corralito is implemented in the country and they suffer a fraud, their hopes disappear. Now, they will unite to recover the lost money and give the blow of their lives to their greatest enemy.
Casts: Ricardo Daru00edn, Luis Brandoni, Veru00f3nica Llinu00e1s, Daniel Aru00e1oz, Germu00e1n Rodru00edguez, Alejandro Gigena, Guillermo Jacubowicz, Ramiro Vayo, Martha Piatigorsky, Carlos Jorge Piu00f1eiro, Carlos Belloso
Director: Sebastiu00e1n Borensztein
Countrys: Argentina,Spain
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.3 | 3,341 | 2019-08-15 | 116 |