There is an old wives’ tale that you should hold your breath when passing by a cemetery lest an evil spirit rejected by both heaven and hell gets inside of you when you inhale. Someone in a carload of college kids on holiday doesn’t hold his/her breath when driving by a graveyard, allowing the spirit of a recently executed serial killer to get inside him/her to begin a spree of body-jumping carnage.
Casts: Katrina Bowden, Randy Wayne, Erin Marie Hogan, Steve Hanks, Joshua Michael Allen, Brad Slaughter, Seth Cassell, Darin Cooper, Jordan Pratt-Thatcher, Lisa Younger, Keith Allan
Director: Jared Cohn
Countrys: USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
3.3 | 1,605 | 2012-10-05 | 87 |