Mysterious and unearthly deaths start to occur while Professor Saxton is transporting the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature he found in Manchuria back to Europe.
Casts: Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Alberto de Mendoza, Silvia Tortosa, Julio Peu00f1a, u00c1ngel del Pozo, Helga Linu00e9, George Rigaud, Alice Reinheart, Josu00e9 Jaspe, Vu00edctor Israel
Director: Eugenio Martu00edn, Gil Carretero, Vicente Escrivu00e1 hijo, Isabel Ruiz Capillas
Countrys: UK,Spain
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.6 | 8,284 | 1972-09-30 | 90 |