Government special agents are sent to the hills of Arkansas to investigate an alien abduction. The agents meet and “team-up” with some back woods hillbillies to infiltrate the alien’s mother ship. Once aboard the spacecraft, hillbillies and government agents alike must fight for their lives and escape their alien foes!
Casts: Ethan Blum, Chad Bockholdt, Jeremy Corray, Jeanette DePattie, Donna Donahue, Michelle Eller, Richard Gilewitz, Adam Hackbarth, Tanya Brandy Hatter, Brian Kanealy, Robert Lloyd
Director: Patrick Voss
Countrys: USA
Watch Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
3.6 | 234 | 2004-11-30 | 90 |