When the new boy in class, Jørgen, moves into the haunted house down the road Anne’s world turns upside-down; she falls head over heals in love with him. All the girls in Anne’s class fall for Jørgen as well, including beautiful blonde pony-tailed Ellen. But that is of no hindrance to Anne; she is willing to go further than anyone to win him over. When done in the name of love, everything is allowed…isn’t it?
Casts: Maria Annette Tanderu00f8 Berglyd, Otto Garli, Aurora Bach Rodal, Vilde Fredriksen Verlo, Kristin Langsrud, Peder Holene, Sigurd Saethereng, Torkil Hu00f8eg, Adrian Holte Kristiansen, Anna Jahr Svalheim, Emir Mulasmanovic
Director: Anne Sewitsky
Countrys: Norway
Watch Jørgen + Anne = sant
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.9 | 740 | 2011-02-25 | 83 |