Two successful marriage counselors must confront problems that may lie beyond the scope of their abilities, in this filmed stage drama by playwright-director Je’Caryous Johnson. Bishop Luther Lance Love Jones (Lavell Crawford) and Beulah Mae Jones (Patrice Lovely) have been married for years, and many regard them as pros on the subject of nuptial issues. However, when three couples on the brink of divorce turn up and ask for solutions, The Jones soon find themelves in way over their heads. They must work doubly hard to reinstill faith, optimism and tenacity in each individual.
Casts: Robin Givens, Jazsmin Lewis, Carl Anthony Payne II, Lavell Crawford, Patrice Lovely, Jennia Fredrique, Vonte, Majeed Nami, Emily Bossak, Leon
Director: Je'Caryous Johnson
Countrys: USA
Watch Je’Caryous Johnson’s Marriage Material
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
3.6 | 21 | 93 |