Former college buddies Horaguchi and Okawa suddenly reunite on a whim after 15 years apart and try to resume their friendship by planning a trip together. Meanwhile, Okawa’s live-in girlfriend Kaede and the pair’s old friend Kyoko get roped into joining them. Soon, the four head off on a trip together with the goal of sharing sukiyaki by the sea.
Casts: Arata Iura, Yu00f4suke Kubozuka, Mikako Ichikawa, Kana Kurashina, Kengo Ku00f4ra, Shu00fbichi Okita
Director: Shiro Maeda, Shiru00f4 Maeda
Countrys: Japan
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.5 | 63 | 2013-11-23 | 111 |