An American journalist, a British sake brewer and the president of a centenary Japanese sake brewery join together to explore the mysterious world of sake, a generic name for Japanese rice wine, actually a sort of liquor. These unique individuals, fascinated by this extraordinary beverage, investigate the spectacular world that has grown around it thorough ages.
Casts: John Gauntner, Philip Harper, Kosuke Kuji, Samuel Barickman, Chizuru Doi, Cat Ford-Coates, Mitch Fortune, Ken Furukawa, Ryoichi Itsukaishi, Yoshito Kinoshita, Hiroshi Kuji
Director: Mirai Konishi
Countrys: Japan,USA
Watch Kampai! For the Love of Sake
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.6 | 39 | 2015-09-21 | 95 |