Norwegian winter, 1915. On the island Bastøy, outside Oslo, a group of young boys aged 11 to 18, are held in an institution for delinquent youth, notorious for its sadistic regime. One day a new boy, Erling, arrives, determined to escape from the island. After a tragic incident, he ends up leading the boys in a violent uprising. When the boys manage to take over the island, 150 soldiers are sent in to restore order.
Casts: Benjamin Helstad, Trond Nilssen, Stellan Skarsgu00e5rd
Director: Marius Holst, Margit Korbe, Steffen Lefort, Marcin u0141omnicki, Hans-Ju00f8rgen Osnes, Bruce Parramore, Kieron Phipps, Trevor Puckle
Countrys: Norway,France,Sweden,Poland
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.5 | 20102 | 2010-12-16 | 117 |