Aimlessly whiling away their days in the concrete environs of their dead-end suburbia, Vinz, Hubert, and Said — a Jew, African, and an Arab — give human faces to France’s immigrant populations, their bristling resentment at their social marginalization slowly simmering until it reaches a climactic boiling point.
Casts: Vincent Cassel, Hubert Koundu00e9, Sau00efd Taghmaoui, Abdel Ahmed Ghili, Solo, Joseph Momo, Hu00e9lou00efse Rauth, Rywka Wajsbrot, Olga Abrego, Laurent Labasse, Choukri Gabteni
Director: Mathieu Kassovitz
Countrys: France
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
8.1 | 125,409 | 1995-05-31 | 98 |