Stanislas Hassler blazes the development of modern art in his gallery, packed with works of surprising shapes, colours and textures, and where exhibitions turn into media events. Gilbert Moreau is one of the artists whose sculptures are on display in the gallery. His wife, Josée, is intrigued by the stern Stanislas, who devotes his free time to photography in an apartment that highlights his sophisticated artistic tastes. But besides enlarged pictures of calligraphic samples, Stanislas is amassing a collection of photographs that reveal a disturbed character. So why would Josée endanger her mature relationship with Gilbert for the morbid observation of Stanislas’s hidden personality?
Casts: Laurent Terzieff, Elisabeth Wiener, Bernard Fresson, Dany Carrel, Michel Etcheverry, Claude Piu00e9plu, Nou00eblle Adam, Daniel Riviu00e8re, Annie Fargue, Germaine Delbat, Gilberte Gu00e9niat
Director: Henri-Georges Clouzot, Marie-Thu00e9ru00e8se Cabon
Countrys: France,Italy
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
7.7 | 818 | 1968-11-20 | 106 |