Paris 1930.
Paul has only ever had one and the same horizon: the high walls of the orphanage, an austere building in the Parisian working class suburbs. Entrusted to a joyful country woman, Célestine, and her husband, Borel, the rather stiff gamekeeper of a vast estate in Sologne, the city child, recalcitrant and stubborn, arrives in a mysterious and disturbing world, that of a soverign and wild region.
The huge forest, misty ponds, heaths, and fields all belong to the Count de la Fresnaye, an elderly taciturn man who lives alone in his manor.
Casts: Franu00e7ois Cluzet, Jean Scandel, Eric Elmosnino, Franu00e7ois Berlu00e9and, Valu00e9rie Karsenti, Thomas Durand, Ilona Cabrera, Fru00e9du00e9ric Saurel, Urbain Cancelier, Murielle Huet des Aunay, Thierry Robard
Director: Nicolas Vanier
Countrys: France
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.6 | 269 | 2017-10-11 | 116 |