The basic story of the movie revolves around P.K. Jayan aka ‘Vattu’ Jayan (played by Indrajith) and Roy Joseph aka Che Guevera Roy (played by Murali Gopy). Vattu Jayan is a corrupt cop who manages his daily necessities through bribed money and does not touch his salary for anything. Che Guevara Roy is an ex-communist comrade who now teaches in a school with his wife.
Casts: Murali Gopy, Indrajith Sukumaran, Hareesh Peradi, Lena, Ramya Nambeeshan, Anusree, Baiju, Favour Francis, Irshad, Jagadish, Sudheer Karamana
Director: Arun Kumar Aravind, Arun Kumar
Countrys: India
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
8.9 | 2,045 | 2013-06-13 | 167 |