Lista de espera

At a rundown bus station in rural Cuba, the line of passengers waiting just keeps getting longer. The problem is that every bus that passes by is already full. Their only hope is to wait for the station’s bus to be fixed. As the disparate group settles in, relationships start forming between the passengers: Emilio, a young engineer, becomes smitten with a beautiful young woman who is en route to meet her Spanish fiancé, a blind man gets support from the others to go to the head of the line. Frustration and disorder reign when the one bus brakes down and no one can leave. Resigned to working together, the group magically transforms the station into a beautiful place where no one wants to leave.

Casts: Vladimir Cruz, Tahimi Alvariu00f1o, Jorge Perugorru00eda, Noel Garcu00eda, Alina Rodru00edguez, Saturnino Garcu00eda, Antonio Valero, Jorge Alu00ed, Hiran Vega, Mijail Mulkay, Leandro Sen
Director: Juan Carlos Tabu00edo
Countrys: Spain,Cuba,France,Mexico,Germany

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Score Rating Count Release Date RunTime
7.5 1,143 2000-06-02 105