Max and Leo are 8 and 5 years old and have just immigrated to the US with their mother. Their days pass inside a tiny apartment, while they wait for their mother to come back, as they hold on to the hope of traveling to Disney.
Casts: Martha Reyes Arias, Maximiliano Nu00e1jar Mu00e1rquez, Leonardo Nu00e1jar Mu00e1rquez, Cici Lau, Johnson T. Lau, Kevin Medina, Josiah Grado, Marvin Ramu00edrez, Alejandro Banteah, Edwin Ramu00edrez, Aylin Payen
Director: Samuel Kishi
Countrys: Mexico,USA
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.5 | 171 | 2020-06-19 | 95 |