Small time Hungarian matchmakers get the job to make a Hollywood star fall in love with a Russian businessman’s spoiled brat sister. They get one million dollars if they succeed, but if they fail, they will have to pay with their lives.
Casts: C.J. Thomason, Cree Kelly, Attila C. Arpa, Ferenc Hujber, Gu00e1bor Hevu00e9r, Daryl Hannah, Billy Zane, Evgeniy Stychkin, Patricia Kovu00e1cs, Du00f3ra Szinetu00e1r, Pu00e9ter Ku00e1lloy Molnu00e1r
Director: Tamu00e1s Sas
Countrys: Hungary,USA,UK,Russia
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Score | Rating Count | Release Date | RunTime |
6.2 | 920 | 2011-12-15 | 100 |